His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Mathews II

His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Mathews IIDiocese of Kottayam Central

His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Mathews II

Ordained to the Holy Priesthood in 1938
Consecrated as Metropolitan on May 15, 1953
Served as Metropolitan of Kollam Diocese from 1953 to 1991
Enthroned as Catholicos of the East in April 1991
Fell Asleep in the Lord on January 26, 2006

His Holiness was born on January 30, 1915 in Perinad, Kerala. His education was in a local school in this very village of his birthplace, in a local school. After completing his high school education, he answered the sacred call for priestly ministry joined Old Seminary, in Kottayam, and also the Monastery of Saint Basil in Pathanamthitta for theological and liturgical training. Later, he completed his Bachelor in Divinity at Bishop’s College in Calcutta, India, and graduate level theological education at the General Theological Seminary in New York.

During his theological education in New York, he was instrumental in providing sacramental and pastoral support to the growing Malankara Orthodox community in the tri-state area of the United States.

This charismatic leader of the Church, was ordained to the Holy Diaconate in 1938, and later to the Holy Priesthood in 1941. Once ordained to the Holy Priesthood, he continued in his monastic vocation, in vigorous fasting and prayer at the Monastery of Saint George in Othara. It was during this time, Father Mathews became all the more well known for his devotion, piety, and ascetic struggle. His popularity grew, as faithful lovingly referred to him as Angel Achen or ‘Father Angel.’

His Holiness Catholicos Geevarghese II, took special interest in this monk priest, and sought to utilize him in a greater service for the Holy Church by consecrating him to the holy episcopacy. On May 15, 1953, Father Mathews was consecrated as Metropolitan Mathews Mar Coorilose, at the age of 38. He was entrusted to shepherd Kollam Diocese, where the Diocese strengthened within a short period of time. The young charismatic Metropolitan nearly doubled the number of parishes within the Diocese. He sought to serve not only the Malankara Orthodox community, but also the greater society by developing reputable colleges, and hospitals. His monastic fervor was contagious as he also established monasteries and convents within the Diocese.

He was able to captivate a large audience with his mere presence and angelic smile. As a result, he served as an ambassador for the Church by representing the Malankara Church at various international conferences and meetings. He promoted ecumenism, and maintained fraternal ties and relations with various heads of Churches, and religions.

Recognizing the abilities of the Metropolitan as a powerful orator, eminent scholar, a renowned theologian, an able administrator, and a God fearing shepherd, the Malankara Syrian Christian Association unanimously elected Metropolitan Coorilos as the successor to the Apostolic Throne of Saint Thomas, the Catholicos of the East & Malankara Metropolitan.

On October 29, 2005 due to his failing health, His Holiness relinquished the office of Catholicos & Malankara Metropolitan. His Holiness asleep in the Lord on January 26, 2006, and was laid to rest in Mar Elia Chapel in Shastamcotta, Kerala, India.